Ronald Jones Honorary Fellowship
This Honorary Fellowship Certificate is awarded by Clubs NSW in recognition of directors
who have served on the Board of their club for 10 years or more. Very few of these
certificates are awarded and they are, perhaps, the highest recognition awarded by the
umbrella governing body of clubs in New South Wales.
Ron has served on the Board of the Trundle Services and Citizens Club for about 25 years.
Two as president, and many, many more as Vice-President and director. A Bradmanesque
achievement, not just a little bit more than the next longest serving director but perhaps
twice as long.
Ron has cooked barbeques, counted takings for banking on Monday mornings, stock taking,
employee disputes, member disciplinary actions, organized meetings, club functions and
worked with at least 5 managers …. all in his stride for 25 years. At the minimum this is
about 10 hours per week. Over 25 years Ron has given the equivalent of at least 5 years full
time work to our club.
It is safe to say Ron has forgotten more about how this Club works than I will ever know.
It is people like Ron, who are willing to give selflessly far more than they ever receive, that
define, more than anything else, Trundle as a community. A special community in which
people want to live and raise their kids.
Thanks Ron. This is a very small token of recognition compared with the huge effort you
have put in to this club and community.
David Taylor, President